Sansevieria, commonly known as “Mother-in-law’s tongue,” is a perennial succulent requiring minimal care to maintain its beauty and enhance interior decor. Not only does it add aesthetic appeal, but it also purifies the air, making it a popular choice for homes, both in pots and gardens.
With a distinctive appearance, the plant, also called the “Sword of Saint-Georges” or “Tiger’s Tongue,” features large, elongated, and rigid leaves, displaying marbled shades of dark and light green. This evergreen plant, known for its drought tolerance and slow growth, is often propagated by leaf cuttings. Follow these simple steps to reproduce Sansevieria:
How to Reproduce Sansevieria:
- Prepare Cuttings: Using disinfected scissors, cut a large leaf horizontally into sections of about 8 cm. Let them air dry for 2 or 3 days.
- Make Incisions: Make a central incision of 0.5 cm in the center of the lower part of each section. Sprinkle each end with a bit of fertilizer to encourage rooting.
- Potting: Take a medium-sized pot and add compost and sand. Insert the sections, spacing them about 1 cm apart. Water gently or mist the substrate. Cover the pot with transparent plastic film to create a greenhouse effect, opening it occasionally for air circulation and misting the foliage.
- Provide Ideal Conditions: Place the pot in a bright room with a temperature not dropping below 20°C. After about a month, when small leaves develop, repot them in another container.
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