Whether you’re cultivating green melons, cantaloupes, or yellow melons, the insights on growing melons in this article are applicable to various types and varieties! This delectable and sweet fruit is a garden favorite, not just for its taste but also for its ease of cultivation. Unlike watermelons, melons require less space, allowing you to make room for other fruits and vegetables. Let’s dive into the steps on how to grow melons in your garden!

How to Grow Melons:

Plant Melons:

  1. Opt for slightly acidic soil, typically with a pH of 6.5-6.9.
  2. Avoid planting melons near squash or cucumbers to prevent cross-pollination.
  3. Plant in early spring after the threat of frost has passed and temperatures reach 70-80F (21-27C).
  4. Prepare the planting area by removing rocks and debris, forming small mounds for melon vines.
  5. Sow 2-3 seeds per mound, spacing them about 2 inches apart and planting 1 inch deep.
  6. Water the seeds thoroughly after planting.
  7. Once sprouted, identify the tallest seedling and remove the others, leaving the tallest one in the soil.
  8. In colder climates, use plastic mulch and let seedlings grow through it. Alternatively, start melon plants indoors with the same guidelines.

Melon Care:

  1. Water weekly with about one to two inches of water.
  2. Fertilize every 2-3 weeks.
  3. Male flowers will bloom first and wilt, while the second pair of female flowers will produce fruit.
  4. Reduce watering as you near harvest for sweeter fruit.
  5. Harvest melons when you can smell the fruit on the skin.

Now equipped with the knowledge of growing melons, it’s time to get your hands dirty and start planting! If you found this information helpful, feel free to copy and share!